You see this expression almost everywhere today. People with questionable lifestyles also use it, as if to validate/endorse the moral uprightness of their despicable acts. You see a Yahoo-Boy (Internet Fraudster) flaunting dollar bills on Facebook with the hashtag “Oluwa_is_ involved.” Like seriously? The Holy and Lofty Yahweh, with His impeccable and unmatched integrity and faithfulness actually joined you in your fraudulence? Runs-Girls (Educated Prostitutes) whose private parts have become money-making-machines or those who get jobs by opening their legs for a boss will also post “Oluwa_is_involved.” Do you even know who God is?

And He too, Bàbá Jẹ́jẹ́, will just stand up there; arms akimbo, watching you fool yourself and misrepresent His nature before the world? You think He won’t do anything?

This crime didn’t start from you. Jacob did it too: stole his brother’s birthright and hashtagged “Oluwa_is_involved”:

And Isaac said unto his son, How is it that thou hast found it so quickly, my son? And he said, Because the LORD thy God brought it to me(Gen. 27:20 KJV).

You got first-class by mischief and you still dare to post pictures with “Oluwa_is_involved”. You take the Name of the Living God in vain and you drag it in the mud.

But study Jacob’s life. He got the blessing, but he lived a cursed life. You may also ‘smartly’ do evil under the guise of God’s name and still gather the admiration of people, unaware Christians inclusive, but know that God is waiting; arms akimbo; with your rewards between His feet. Until you, like Jacob, fall at His feet to say sorry, and seek genuine repentance, those blessings will never bring you peace! (No be curse o)!

As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth themnot; so he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool.”  (Jer. 17:11)

Your friend,

David Iyanuoluwa IBITOYE.

DRESSING TO 👠👖👢👚💄👛👟👓2🏹⚒🔪🔫 KILL(Part 2)

Dressing defines people and in part, it plays a role bringing to the fore the philosophy and beliefs of people even without asking them. Dressing provides a potent template for understanding the culture and values of an individual, institution/ organization or society.
I have received numerous reactions from the first part of this piece. One question that came repeatedly was: “so what is the way forward?” In response, I quipped: “if you asked me, who then will I ask?”😜 But come to think of it, it seem as if this ‘dressing to kill’ syndrome has contaminated only the congregation and those in the podium- the pastors, choristers, and others in the officiating team are so immuned to this virus. Hmmmmmm! That will be a very costly assumption.

Friend, do a sampling of ten churches for a month, paying close attention to those on the stage to know if they are left out in these untoward dressing trends in the Church today. Personally, I attended a church service and the statement from the fellow sitted by me in response to my complement on the choir outfit was: “my dear, you must have a good job to be in that choir!” In another church’s choir, it was a competition of some sort on ‘my high heels shows how classy I am’ while some proudly fancied their skintight pencil gown, and pro make-up touch. 

Now, for some of the Pastors, it seems to be a show of “how well I dress and combine colours determine the level of grace or anointing I carry”. The shirt is fitted, the tie and gavroche is unique, the suit is tight with a well patterned jacket. The belt and shoe are stock, with an eye catching wristwatch while wearing perfumes like Elizabeth Arden, Victoria Secrets, Calvin Klein etc. Hold on! There will soon be Owena’s Perfect Perfume 😍 The females Pastors, Mamas-in-Israel, Deaconesses etc.,are not left out as they strive to keep up with the Joneses adorning strong moulds of make up, jewelries, and costly weavons of internationally acclaimed fashions brands.
I believe so much in looking good and beautiful for it is often said: “how you dress determines how you are addressed.” But I think Christians have taken this idealogy too far. The justifying statement believers put up is that ‘God is not interesting at the outward appearance but the inward (the heart).” Where did we get that? Please note: I do not personally go against looking good or smelling nice but to what degree, and what is the motivational force? 

Remember in The Book, it is said: do not conform to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2). Is your dressing style not conforming to fashion standards of this world which runs contrary to what Christ desires of us? Are you not copying from Beyoncé, Wizkid, Jay Z, Nicki Minaj, the kardashians and other “stars” and enthroning them in your heart as your standards to dress up, even to Church? Do you not see Cece Winans, Sinach, Donnie McClurkin to copy from? Our best service unto God is to present our bodies as living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable unto God (Romans 12:1).  

My beloved, look cute, wear good shoes and belt, smell nice, use adorable accessories (if you do use them), wear named wristwatches, cream your body and powder your face with Mac or Mary-Kay products. But whenever you dress, ask yourself: will our Lord, Jesus Christ, dress the way I am dressing if He is to be in this contemporary world?
All said, I charge you: determine the source of your standards in fashion, make needful modifications, and decidedly work daily to be modest and moderate, exercising simplicity as a spiritual discipline, reflecting Christ even in your dressing (1 Timothy 2:9-10).
God bless You


*DRESSING👗👠👛💄👖👚👟👓 TO KILL (Part 1)*

For some days, I surfed the Internet to actually get a good style for an occasion, but to my amazement, the styles I saw were, “off-shoulder”and “off-arm” blouses, above the knee gowns, cleavage and back revealing dresses, slit to the upper thigh, etc. I was alarmed and of course, there is no trespass for me now to those dress styles. In the days past, I used to get some good styles from some of these sites. So I finally gave up on the third day on my prestigious fashion sites.

One may say that most of my search results revealed the social, elite and celebrity world’s fashion styles today. So, let us bring it down home as Christians. Even in my home, that is the church, it appears now to be no different.
I love touring churches to explore their worship style😜, and in the process, I have seen dressing trends in some Churches that leaves one aghast: “Sisters” on skimpy skirts and gowns, transparent and revealing dresses, world-size ear rings, outrageous hair-styles, and all now seems to be made up by professional make-up artist before service. And while it may not be too overt for the men or “brothers” as it is for the ladies, the men have gone highly informal that even some officiating in a Church service wear body-hug (skin-tight) polo shirt and ragged jeans with pam-slippers.
Just the other day, a lady walked past me in a church service and I was bewildered by her dressing: a mini-gown underneath a net-like skin hose and a very high heel👠, with a hair flying over her and make-up in place to suit her dressing. So shocking, the same lady brought basket during the time for tithes and offering. In another church, a male usher wore a shirt on a faded Jeans with sunshades (eyeglasses) while officiating. Just some days back, I sat close to some sisters, and I was so distracted by their dressing, that I wonder how the brother whose seat was by my side coped.
All these sights puts me to thought: where did we miss it in dressing as Christians? Where did this dressing “to kill” or “pepper them” philosophy come from? How should Christian men and women dress? Is Christ no longer interested in the way His sons and daughters dress?