On Prayer IV

“The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.”

1 Peter 4:7 NIV

Note the “therefore”. Our discussion on prayerfulness: alertness, self-control and soberness, is a result of an earlier statement: the end of all things is near. “Everything in the world is about to be wrapped up” (MSG). So, to Peter, one of the ways to stay ready for end time realities (eschatology in case you need the technical term) is to pray. Prayer is as real to you as the end time is. Remember that Peter is a disciple of Jesus, and he knows that Jesus recommends prayerfulness as a means of escaping the evils of the End of the age. Consider Luke 21:36, Mark 13:33. So this is really not Peter’s teaching; he’s only reiterating what the Master Himself has said. I dare say that a man who is not given to prayer will scarce escape the evils of the End time.

When you realise the urgency of the End time, you will pray. Your slothfulness in prayer is a sign you are not ready for rapture.

*Pray that God will interpret the end time to you personally.
*Pray that God will help you see the urgency.
*Since prayerfulness is a means of escaping the evils of the End time, pray that God will heal your epileptic prayer life.
*I release God’s grace upon you for an incurable prayerfulness in Jesus name.